Vitamin D status in type 1 diabetic children in Erbil city: a case-control study
Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Vitamin D3, PTHAbstract
Background and objectives: Worldwide clinical studies suggest a relationship between vitamin D deficiency in early life and the later onset of type 1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the study was to find out the association between vi- tamin D and type one diabetes mellitus.
Methods: A case-control study carried out in Erbil city-Kurdistan region over a period from January-June 2016. It included 50 cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus aged less than 16 years collected in Layla Qasim center of diabetes in Erbil and 50 non-diabetic children whom attended pediatrics hospital with their relatives. The study matched the age, gender and ethnicity of both groups. Their health status was assessed by BMI, school performance and investigating for vitamin D, alkaline phosphatase, HbA1C, Calcium and parathyroid hormone.
Results: our study found that there is a highly significant difference between type 1 diabetic and healthy subjects regarding the level of vitamin D3 (P < 0.001). The mean age of diabetic patients and the control group were (9.48±4.4) years and (8±3.36) years consecutively. Most of the diabetic patients (62%) had vitamin D deficiency, (38%) were insufficient. While only (12%) of the control had vitamin D deficiency and (88%) were insufficient. Among diabetics also, there was highly significant, moderately negative correlation between age and the vitamin D level (rº= -0.369&P<0.008) as well as a similar significant, moderately negative correlation was evident between BMI and vitamin D level (rº= -0.347&P<0.014). A non-significant, mildly negative correlation is found between gly- cemic control and the level of vitamin D (rº= -0.104&P<0.474). The last significant mildly negative correlation was between vitamin D and PTH as (rº=- 0.285&P<0.045).
Conclusions: the present study revealed markedly decreased level of vitamin D among T1DM patients compared to healthy children.
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