Prevalence and Risk factors of Major Depressive Disorder and Suicidal Attempts among Depressed Patients in Duhok City
Major Depressive Disorder, Suicidal attempts, Duhok CityAbstract
Background and objectives: Major depressive disorder is a common and serious mental disorder. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder and to study the methods and risk factors of suicidal attempts among depressed patients.
Methods: Through cross sectional study, (637) patients were selected randomly among those who consulted out patient psychiatric clinic in Azadi Teaching Hospital in Duhok City from July 2008 to July 2009. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders-Pa- tient Edition (SCID-I/P) was applied to diagnose patients with major depressive disorder.
Results: The prevalence of major depressive disorder was 23.9%, it was more prevalent among females 67.7% (p<0.001), youngest age group 38.2% (p<0.001), married 59.2% (p<0.001) and those who had < 6 children 64.6% (p=0.021) with statistically significant association. The prevalence of suicidal attempt among depressed patients was 12.5%, it was more common in females 89.5% (p=0.035) and youngest age group (p=0.047) with the significant association. The commonest method of suicidal attempt was drug ingestion 68.4%, whole cases were female, while only 10.2% of males attempted suicide and they used gun.
Conclusions: The prevalence of major depressive disorder ap- peared high; the risk factors included female, young, housewives and those who had fewer children (<6). The prevalence of suicidal attempts among depressed patients appeared high too; female and young were only risk factors. Majority of the suicidal attempters were females and drug ingestion was the commonest method used.
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