Outcome of fixation for humeral mid-shaft fractures in adults by elastic nails on 40 patients postoperatively
Humeral mid-shaft, Elastic nails, ErbilAbstract
Background & objectives: Surgical intervention is increasingly used for treatment of humeral mid-shaft fractures nowadays. The aim of study was to identify the outcomes of titanium elastic nailing and exploring the relevance of carrying weight to these outcomes in adults.
Methods: This study was a prospective follow up study conducted in Erbil teaching hospital in Erbil city from 1st of January, 2010 to 30th of November, 2013 on sample of 40 eligible injured patients who were non-randomly selected. The fractured patients were operated surgically using titanium elastic nails in both retrograde and ante grade ways. Postoperatively, carrying weight was used with follow up x-rays to check the union of bone.
Results: Mean time to return to previous activity after elastic nail surgery was 15.7weeks and mean union duration of fractures after surgery was 12.2 weeks. The main adverse outcomes after surgery were shoulder pain (30%), shoulder stiffness (17.5%), supraspinatus pain (30%), superficial infection (27.5%), mal-union (7.5%), non-union (5%), delayed union (2.5%) and conversion to internal fixation (5%). Mal-union, non-union, delayed union and conversion to internal fixation were significantly prevalent among patients not carrying weight after surgery.
Conclusions: titanium elastic nails represented the good treatment option for adulthood mid-shaft humeral fractures with promising outcomes of carrying weight postoperatively.
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