The Presentation, Predisposing Factors and Outcome of Erb’s Palsy in Duhok City


  • Saad Mahmood Zebary Duhok Training Center Paediatric
  • Khalid Nawaf Abdulrrahman College of Medicine, University of Duhok



Brachial plexus palsy, Erb’s palsy, Macrosomia, Shoulder dystocia


Background and objectives:Neonatal brachial plexus palsy is a common birth injury. Although spontaneous recov- ery is expected to occur in most of affected newborns, some might be severely handicapped. The objectives of this research were to study the predisposing factors and injury outcome of Erbs’ palsy in neonates.

Methods: All infantsdiagnosed with Erbs’ palsy and managed at a rehabilitation center in Duhok city were included in the study during the period September, 2016 to August, 2017. The data collected were sex, birth weight, the affected upper limb, referral time, the residential area, delivery place, delivery type, presence of cephalopelvic disproportion or protracted (prolonged) labor and the mother height and were compared with a control group of term neonates.

Results: The total number of patients were 53; 30 males (56.6%) and 23 females (43.4%). The mean birth weight of patients was 3975 (± 453) grams, and that of the control group was 3421 (±602) grams. The right side was affected in 35 (66%) and left side in 18 (34%) of cases. In 44 (83%) of case, the delivery was vaginal and in 9 (17%) cases through cesarean section. Shoulder dystocia was present in 26 (49%) and cephalopelvic disproportion in 14 (26.4%) of cases. Good functional recovery was seen in 44 (83%) of patients within six months of physiotherapy.

Conclusions: Shoulder dys- tocia, large birth weight of 4 kg or more and cephalopelvic disproportion were the major risk factors.


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How to Cite

Zebary, S. M. ., & Abdulrrahman, K. N. (2023). The Presentation, Predisposing Factors and Outcome of Erb’s Palsy in Duhok City. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 4(1), 61–64.


