Total Hip Arthroplasty: Anterolateral Approach Versus Posterior Approach
Anterolateral approach, Posterior approach, Hip arthroplasty, DislocationAbstract
Background and objectives:Total hip arthroplasty is a popular successful surgical procedure for end stage hip pathologies. Since the introduction of total hip arthroplasty, many surgical approaches have been used; each has its own advantages and disadvantages. The aim of this study was to compare the intraoperative and post- operative complications of anterolateral (Watson-Jones) versus posterior (Moore) approaches for primary to-tal hip arthroplasty.
Methods: forty-one patients were selected and enrolled into two groups; 22 patients had total hip arthroplasty through posterior approach and 19 patients had anterolateral approach. The patients were followed-up for an average of six months, and each patient was assessed through observation of intraoperative neurovascular injury and femoral fracture, and postoperative pain, dislocation, limping and heterotopic ossification.
Results: The main complications of the posterior approach were intraoperative sciatic nerve injury (4.9%) and post- operative dislocation (4.9%), while the anterolateral approach associated with higher rates of intraoperative femo- ral fracture (2.4%) and postoperative abductor weakness and limping (4.9%).
Conclusions:Current study does not demonstrate any superiority of either approach. Therefore, we think the choice of surgical approach for total hip arthroplasty would be better if based on patient characteristics, surgeon experience and patient preference
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