Influence of Vitamin D and IgE Levels on Recurrent wheezy Chest in Children under Two Years of Age; A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study


  • Mohammed Hasan Saeed SHO of pediatrics in Raparin Teaching Hospital.
  • Kawes Omer Zangana Assistant Professor in Pediatric at Hawler Medical University, College of Medicine pediatric department



IgE, Infants, Vitamin D, Wheezing chest


Background and objectives: Wheezing is a common presenting symptom of respiratory disease in children. Thirty percent of children experience at least one acute wheezing illness before the age of three years, and it is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality, the most frequent causes of wheezing are bronchiolitis and asthma. Recurrent wheezing has significant morbidity. It is estimated that about one third of children manifest symptoms during the first years of life. Vitamin D is fat soluble and its role is helping growth of bone and function of immunity is crucial. IgE has essential role in type I hypersensitivity reaction like allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and others. Our study aimed to estimate serum vitamin D and IgE level in infants and children less than 2 years of age with recurrent wheeze.

Methods:This case control study was carried in Raparin teaching hospital in Erbil city where we estimated serum levels of vitamin D and IgE of 50 children documented to have recurrent wheeze of more than 2 attacks in comparison to 50 normal children.

Results: Vitamin D level was deficient in both groups with no significant difference in vitamin D and IgE levels between both groups.

Conclusions:The study revealed that vitamin D was low in both studied groups and there was no clear relation between vitamin D deficiency and IgE level with recurrent wheezy chest.


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How to Cite

Saeed, M. H. ., & Zangana, K. O. . (2023). Influence of Vitamin D and IgE Levels on Recurrent wheezy Chest in Children under Two Years of Age; A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal) , 4(2), 104-108.


