Mucocutaneous Side Effects of Antineoplastic Drugs Used in Cancer Therapy in Erbil


  • Niyan Othman Hama Faraj M.B.Ch.B, Hawler Medical University, College of Medicine, Erbil Dermatology Teaching Center
  • Mohammed Yousif Saeed M.B.Ch.B, FIBMS (Dermatology), Asst. Prof, ISDS, ESLDC, University of Sulaimani, college of Medicine, Head of Dermatology Depart- ment, Program director of KHCMS Dermatology, Head of Sulaimani Dermatology Teaching Center.



Adverse effects, Antineoplastic, Alopecia, cutaneous


Background and objectives: Mucocutaneous side effects of antineoplastic drugs can produce both local and systemic mucocutaneous adverse reactions that sometimes misinterpreted with other cancer related dermatological mani- festations such as infection, paraneoplastic diseases, and nutritional deficiency. The aim of the study was to identify the most common mucocutaneous side effects associated with antineoplastic drugs to be looked for and managed properly.

Methods:A study was conducted on patients receiving anti-cancer therapy. Data were collected from 109 patients, of which 87 were females and 22 were males, with biopsy proven malignancies. Forty one patients were on single chemotherapy and 68 were on combined chemotherapy. Seventy seven patients were on conventional chemo- therapy, 29 on hormonal therapy and 13 on immune target therapy. Detailed history was obtained from the patients. Afterwards each patient subjected to full dermatological examination involving skin, mucosa, hair and nail.

Results: Hair changes were the most common adverse effect noticed in (31.71%) of the patients with anagen effluvium being the most common (68 cases), followed by skin changes in (28.29%). Nail changes were observed in (20.49%) of the cases and the most common changes were melanonychia that was noticed in 22.The mucosal changes accounted for (19.51%) of the cases and 36 patients complained of apthus ulcer.

Conclusions:This study showed that adverse effects of antineoplastic drugs can cause a great degree of morbidity to cancer patients on chemotherapy although most of the complications subsided with cessation of the therapy without causing permanent damage.


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How to Cite

Hama Faraj, N. O. ., & Saeed, M. Y. . (2023). Mucocutaneous Side Effects of Antineoplastic Drugs Used in Cancer Therapy in Erbil. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 5(1), 1–6.


