Indications and Outcome of lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in Low Back Pain


  • Azad Star Hattam MBChB, KHCMS (Neurosurgery) trainee
  • Ari Sami Hussain Nadhim MBChB, FRCS, FIBMS, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Iraq, Kurdistan Region, Sulaimani City, Shar Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery



Epidural steroid injection, Low back pain, Lumbar stenosis, Prolapsed intervertebral disc


Background and objectives: Epidural steroid injection is used to treat low back pain. The aim of this study was to know indications and outcome of Epidural steroid injection in patients with low back pain.

Methods: We retrospectively observed the effect of interlaminar epidural steroid injection (80 mg of Depo-Medrol®) performed by other doctors for treatment of 40 patients who presented with low back pain due to lumbar prolapsed intervertebral disc, stenosis, spondylolysis, or failed back syndrome. The patients were admitted to Shahid Dr. Aso and Shar Hospitals during Oc- tober 2017 to July 2018 and follow them up for three months. Patients’ age, gender, diagnosis and level of pathology recorded and Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire was used to assess the patients’ pre/post lumbar epidural steroid.

Results: The mean ± SD (Standard deviation) of the patients’ age (year) were 48.8 ± 10.8, female: male ratio was 1.9:1. There were insignificant associations between the outcome and age, gender, diagnosis, and level of pathology. The mean ± SD of pre-treatment questionnaire decreased significantly from 38.1 ± 12.4 (ranged from 10 to 78) to 33.3 ± 15.5 (4 to 90). The improvement rate was 57.5% and the duration for it was mean ± SD of 11.9 ± 5.6 (ranged from 1 to 30) days, and 42.5% of patients underwent surgery.

Conclusions: There were no statistically significant association between the outcome and age, gender, diagnosis, and level of pathology, but lumbar epidural steroid injection is good to treat acute phase of low back pain.


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How to Cite

Hattam, A. S. ., & Nadhim, A. S. H. . (2023). Indications and Outcome of lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection in Low Back Pain. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 5(1), 68–72.


