Depression in adolescents with beta-thalassemia major in Erbil city-Iraq
Adolescence, Beta-thalassemia major, DepressionAbstract
Background and objectives: Depression in adolescent is commonly prevalent with higher rates among patients with thalassemia. The aim of this study is to identify the prevalence of depression in adolescent with beta thalassemia ma- jor attending thalassemia main center in Erbil city /Iraq.
Methods: A cross-sectional study with comparison group was carried out in Thalassemia main center, Ainkawa primary health care center, and Raparin pediatric teaching hospital in Erbil city for the period from April to August 2018. One hundred adolescent of thalassemia patients and that of normal ones ageing 10-19 years were enrolled. Patient Health Questionnaire - 9 used as a screening tool for depression and those with scores of ?10 classified to have depression.
Results: The prevalence of depression among thalassemia adolescents was 67%, compared with 21% of comparison group. Mild depression was the most frequently reported category among both groups while moderate and severe ones were significantly higher among thalassemia patients. Gender, educational level, residency in rural area and suicidal risk were significantly associated with adolescence depression in both study groups.
Conclusions: Depression among thalassemia adolescents is three folds higher than that of comparison group. Screening of depression could be a fundamental component of the health services provided for thalassemia patients to optimize the quality of their life.
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