Prevalence of retained placenta and its correlation with maternal demographic characteristics


  • Khansaa Hikmat Abdulrahman Maternity Teaching Hospital, General directorate of Erbil Health, Ministry of Health
  • Shahla Kareem Alaf Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University



Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Maternal demographic characteristics, Pregnant women, Retained placenta


Background and objectives:Retained placenta can be a life-threatening experience and is believed to be associated with certain maternal demographic characteristics. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of retained placenta and its correlation with maternal demographic characteristics among pregnant women. 

Methods: In a case-control study, 65 women with retained placenta and 65 without it attended at the labor room of Maternity Teaching Hospital, Erbil, over the period of June 2017 to July 2018 were investigated. Using a specifically designed questionnaire,required data on the participants’ obstetric history, general examination findings, vital sign, and obstetric and demographic characteristics were collected. Most cases of retained placenta were observed in the age group ?35. Moreover, 29% of the women with retained placenta experienced preterm delivery, compared to 10% of control group, and the two groups were significantly in this regard. The results also revealed that the women with and without retained placenta were not significantly different in terms of their age, parity, twin pregnancy, hemoglobin on admission and after 24 hours, and postpartum anemia, and histories of cesarean section, miscarriage, dilation and curettage,preterm labor, blood transfusion, and induction, while they significantly differed with regard to their gestational age,history of retained placenta, and body mass index.

Conclusion: Pre- and post-term deliveries and history of retained placenta are risk factors for retained placenta; therefore, cases with these risk factors need to be taken into careful consideration.


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How to Cite

Abdulrahman, K. H., & Alaf, S. K. . (2023). Prevalence of retained placenta and its correlation with maternal demographic characteristics. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal) , 5(2), 67-72.


