The surgical and oncological rational of partial nephrectomy for the treatment of localized renal cell carcinoma


  • Ahmed Abdulhameed Saadoon KHCMS Trainee of Urology
  • Pishtewan Hashim Al Bazzaz Professor, Hawler Medical University, College of Medicine, Department of Urology.
  • Zubair Muhammad Agha Department of Urology, Shahid Dr. Khalid Teaching Hospital-Koya.
  • Wisam Sedeeq Omar F.K.B.M.S. Urology. Mergasur General Hospital



Open partial nephrectomy, Renal tumors, Renal cell carcinoma


Background and objectives:The more frequent use of partial nephrectomy (nephron sparing surgery) in renal cancer treatment derives from a spectacular rise in the incidental diagnosis of renal tumors in patients undergoing abdominal ultrasound or computed tomography for abdominal diseases. This has markedly increased the detection of small, asymptomatic tumors. The aim of this study is to analyze the current evidence of efficacy and safety of open partial nephrectomy in patients with renal cell carcinoma and to speculate its indications and complications.

Methods: Hos- pital based case-prospective & retrospective study. A Total of 36 patients with renal cell carcinoma who underwent nephron sparing surgery between september 2017 and March 2019 at Rizgary Teaching Hospital and Zheen Interna- tional Hospital were investigated, Tumor related characteristics, indication for nephron sparing surgery, postoperative complications, full histopathological data, and follow up results were reviewed.

Results: Open partial nephrectomy was done successfully to treat patients with renal cell carcinoma; during the follow-up period one patient developed bleeding at day of surgery, three patients suffered from haematuria at 4th day, two weeks & one month postoperative- ly & one patient complicated by urine leakage & fistula formation, all complications were managed successfully. No patients were experienced disease progression (local recurrence and distant metastasis), there were no deaths from surgery, there was no acute renal failure, no postoperative dialysis & the disease specific survival rate was 100 %.

Conclusions: artial Nephrectomy appears to be safe and effective procedure to control cases of renal tumors with relative and absolute indications for NSS.


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How to Cite

Saadoon, A. A. ., Al Bazzaz, P. H. ., Agha, Z. M. ., & Omar, W. S. . (2023). The surgical and oncological rational of partial nephrectomy for the treatment of localized renal cell carcinoma. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal) , 5(2), 84-88.


