Prognosis of patients with primary intracerebral haemorrhage in Erbil city: evaluating presentation, location and outcome
Erbil, Intracerebral haemorrhage, MortalityAbstract
Background and objectives: Primary intracerebral haemorrhage is the cause of a significant number of all strokes which carries a significant mortality rate and is a morbid disease. The present study aimed to investigate the clinical presentations, risk factors, outcome of primary intracerebral haemorrhage in Erbil city and to determine its prognostic factors.
Methods: One hundred thirty-six patients of both genders diagnosed as primary intracerebral haemorrhage were included in the current study, all of whom were admitted in Erbil hospitals. All patients had been seen by the neurologist for history taking and neurological examination and had a new brain CT scan. All patients were followed up for 6 months.
Results: Neurological deficit and disturbed consciousness were the presenting symptoms in most patients (39.7%, 33.1%) respectively. Basal nuclei were the most frequent locations of haemorrhage (47.8%). The mortality rate was (34.6 %) after 6 months follow-up. Advanced age, large size of the hematoma, midline shift, brain stem involvement, Glasgow coma scale below 8 carried poor prognosis.
Conclusions: Clinical presentation, risk factors, outcome and prognostic factors of patients with primary ICH is similar to the same descriptions in the surrounding and other locations in the world.
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