The relationship between serum vitamin D level & chronic periodontitis in patients attending Khanzad center in Erbil city


  • Yadgar Ghazi Mahmood B.D.S., MSc(Perio), KHCMS candidate
  • Vian Mohammed Hussein Director General, Planning Department, Ministry of Health, Consultant, B.D.S., MSc (Perio), PhD (Preventive Dentistry)
  • Amal Hanna Aziz Lecturer, Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, B.D.S., MSc(Perio), PhD (Perio)



Hypovitaminosis D, Lack of sun exposure, Periodontal disease


Background and objectives: Chronic periodontitis is multifactorial infectious disease with high prevalence among different population with many risk factors. Vitamin D seems to have a protective anti-inflammatory role in periodontal disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of serum vitamin D3 level on periodontal health in Erbil city.

Methods:Eighty-two patients were recruited in the Khanzad center; in Erbil city- Kurdistan region- Iraq. They were di- vided into 48 patients with chronic periodontitis patient (26 males & 22 females) & 34 subjects with non – periodontitis (8 males & 26 females). Periodontal examination including plaque index, gingival index, pocket depth & clinical attach- ment loss were measured for all patients. At the day of periodontal examination, patients sent to central laboratory where blood drowns for serum vitamin D3 estimation.

Results:The mean serum vitamin D3 value (mean ± Std) was 13.5 ± 9.2 & 12.8 ±7.2 in chronic periodontitis group & non-periodontitis group respectively which was statistically not significant,34 subjects (41.4%) of the participant had sever deficiency while only 2 patients in a study group (2.4%) had sufficient level of serum vitamin D3. The mean plaque index & gingival index in chronic periodontitis group were 1.96± 6 & 2.16 ± 54 respectively, while in non-periodontitis group, they were 1.24 ± 42 & 1.32± 28 respectively, there were sta tistically significant differences regarding both periodontal parameters between both groups.

Conclusion: The relationship between vitamin D deficiency & chronic periodontitis was not determined in a sample in Erbil City.


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How to Cite

Mahmood, Y. G. ., Hussein, V. M. ., & Aziz, A. H. . (2023). The relationship between serum vitamin D level & chronic periodontitis in patients attending Khanzad center in Erbil city. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal) , 5(2), 99-104.


