The presentation and outcome of pneumonia in neonates: a case series study


  • Parween Muhammad Rasul MBChB, KHCMS Trainee Pediatrics, Rapareen Pediatric Teaching Hospital, Erbil/Iraq.
  • Kawes Omar Hamad Zangana M.B.Ch.B. DCH, FIBMS Pediatric Assist. Professor, college of medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil/Iraq



Male gender, Neonatal pneumonia, Respiratory distress


Background and objectives: Pneumonia is defined as inflammation of the lung parenchyma. The aim of this study is to identify types of neonatal pneumonia (congenital or acquired), presentations and outcome.

Methods:This study is a case series study done in the neonatal care unit of both Rapareen Teaching Hospital and Maternity Teaching Hospital in Erbil City from August 2018 to March 2019. Fifty cases were enrolled, including preterm, term and post-term ne- onates who were diagnosed as pneumonia. Majority of cases were treated with empirical antibiotics (ampicillin plus cefotaxime or ampicillin plus gentamycine), and we followed them till discharge in order to know the outcome of them (alive or dead).

Results: Fifty neonates with neonatal pneumonia were included in this study. Their mean age + SD were 13 + 6.76 days, ranging from 2 to 29 days, the majority of neonates (74%) were males and 80% were acquired pneumonia. Among admitted neonates, 70% presented with respiratory distress. Death rate was higher in late-onset pneumonia.

Conclusions:We confirmed that acquired pneumonia, is more prevalent than congenital pneumonia, most of them presented by respiratory distress. The death rate was more in male neonates, premature, low birth weight neonates and among neonates who presented with apnea.


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How to Cite

Rasul, P. M. ., & Zangana, K. O. H. . (2023). The presentation and outcome of pneumonia in neonates: a case series study. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 6(1), 53–59.


