Platelet Rich Fibrin Injection with Arthrocentesis for treatment Tempromandibular Joint Internal Derangement of
Platelet rich fibrin injection, Tempromandibular joint disorders, ArtherocentesisAbstract
Background and objective: Tempromandibular joint disorders are common clinical problems usually with pain, joint sound and limitation of mouth opening. Platelet rich fibrin injection is natural source of autologous growth factors which are benefit in alleviating joint pain and inflammation. This present study was conducted to evaluate the clinical efficacy of arthrocentesis with platelet rich fibrin injection in the treatment of internal derangement of tempromandibular joint.
Method: Forty patients were present with tempromandibular joint disorders are enrolled in this study regardless of age, sex. Two cc of Platelet rich fibrin was injected into superior joint space immediately after Tempromandibular joint artherocentesis. The patients were followed up postoperatively at 2nd week, 3rd month and 6th month to evaluate pain by visual analogue scale, clicking and maximum mouth opening.
Result: There were 4 males and 37 females, the age range from (17 - 50) years. Platelet rich fibrin injection was significantly effective in alleviating pain at the 2nd week post operatively (mean±SD 0.88±0.335) and on 3rd (0.45±0.5), 6th month (0.25±0.5) was highly significant. For the degree of mouth opening; it was more than 35 mm at 2nd week post-operatively in 26 patients, 3rd month in 37 patients and 6th month in 38 patients which was highly significant, but there was no significant improvement in joint sound in the three times interval.
Conclusion: Arthrocentesis with PRF injection have a very good effect in improving pain relief and maximum mouth opening, but have no effect in improving joint sound which is mechanical problem that related to disc position.
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