Haematological parameters of iron deficiency anaemia among infants and their correlation with the psychosocial developments
ASQ-3, Haematological parameters, Iron deficiency anaemia IDA, Social-behaviourAbstract
Background and objectives: Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most widespread micronutrient deficiencies in the world. Our goal was to investigate how Iron deficiency anaemia affects the haematological parameters and the psychosocial development of affected infants.
Methods: A follow–up study was conducted from January, 2022 to September, 2022 at Heevi Paediatric Teaching Hospital in Duhok. A total of 58 children with Iron deficiency anaemia were involved in this study. Also, 58 children with normal iron status were recruited and served as control. The Ages & Stages Questionnaires®, Third Edition were used to evaluate the five areas of developmental progress of enrolled infants including gross motor skills, fine motor skills, adaptability, language skills, and social skills.
Results: Study has found that Serum iron for patients with iron deficiency anaemia was (g/dL) 20.82± 1.1 vs 77.8 ± 5 for control. Generally, patients scored lower blood count compared to control.Hence,All haematological parameters including haemoglobin, mean cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin returned to normal after 2month treatment. Both groups scores in the communication and gross motor domains were not statistically significant communication: 40±0.6 for patients vs. 42± 0.5 for controls, and gross motor: 48± 1.7 for patients vs. 50± 1.5 for controls. Whereas, fine motor, problem solving, and social behaviour are other categories that were shown to have statistically significant low scores (p-value ? 0.05): fine motor for patients was 36±1.2 vs. 48±1.5 for controls, problem solving was 33±1.1 vs. 45±2.0 and social behaviour was 31.5% vs. 47.5% for the control group.
Conclusion: These findings show that children with Iron deficiency anaemia have negative impact on fine motor, problem solving, Social-behaviour.
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