Training's Impact on Medical Staff's KAP in Infection Prevention for Nosocomial Viral Hepatitis B&C in Erbil Teaching Hospital's Hemodialysis Unit


  • Qasim Burhan Abdullah Trainee at Infectious disease control department of Public Health, Kurdistan Higher Council of Medical specialties, Rizghary teaching Hospital, Erbil city-Kurdistan region/Iraq
  • Maaroof Tahseen Hassan Assistant Professor in Community Medicine. Program Director of Infection Disease Control Program, Deputy President of Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialties, Erbil city-Kurdistan region/ Iraq
  • Sherzad Ali Ismael Professor in Community Medicine, Head of Public Health Council, Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialties, Erbil city-Kurdistan region/ Iraq



HBV, HCV, Hemodialysis, Infection prevention and control, Knowledge attitude and practice


Background & objectives: Hemodialysis patients are susceptible to various types of infections, such as exposure to blood borne pathogens. This study aims to identify the effects of training on the incidence of nosocomial viral hepatitis B & C infection and implement an interventional program to decrease the incidence of nosocomial infection.

Methods: A quasi-experimental study design was conducted from the 1st Nov 2021-30th Nov 2022 in the hemodialysis unit of Erbil Teaching Hospital employing a pre-and post-test design. All medical staff working in the unit (48), underwent an assessment of their knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding infection control before and after the implementation of the training program.

Results: Out of 48 staff 25 (52.1%) of them were males. Before the implementation of the training program, the mean knowledge score calculated was 13.7 and the mean attitude score was 10.9 while the mean score of the practice was only 9.3. Eventually, after the implementation of the training program, the subtended scores were 23.0, 16.5, and 14.3 respectively. The highest incidence rate of Hepatitis B was reported in 2019 which was 3.4 whereas the lowest rate was reported in 2022 which was 0.5. There was a statistically significant variation between the incidence of HBV in 2021 and its incidence in 2022, p value < 0.05.

Conclusion: Implementation of an educational program led to a notable enhancement in the knowledge of infection prevention and control principles among medical staff.


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How to Cite

Abdullah, Q. B. ., Hassan, M. T. ., & Ismael, S. A. . (2025). Training’s Impact on Medical Staff’s KAP in Infection Prevention for Nosocomial Viral Hepatitis B&amp;C in Erbil Teaching Hospital’s Hemodialysis Unit. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 10(1), 149–156.


