Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices related to COVID-19 among People in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Survey


  • Shalaw Faris Ahmed MSc in Community Health, Surgical Specialist Hospital-Cardiac Center, Ministry of Health-Kurdistan Region-Erbil- Iraq
  • Dara Abdulla Al-Banna PhD in Adult Nursing, Lecturer, College of Nursing, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Jamal Kareem Shakor PhD in Adult Nursing, Lecturer, Nursing Department, Darbandikhan Technical Institute, Sulaimani Polytechnic University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Sairan Khurshed Nariman MSc in Oral Surgery, Assist. Lecturer, College of Dentistry, Hawler Medical University, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • Ari Ahmed Taha MSc in Pediatric Nursing, Surgical Specialist Hospital-Cardiac Center, Ministry of Health-Kurdistan Region-Erbil- Iraq



COVID-19, Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Kurdistan Region


Background & Objectives: Coronaviruses disease 2019 is a serious public health concern worldwide. The major style of a person is not identical to another person’s style in extensive areas including Iraqi Kurdistan where people have little knowledge about Coronaviruses. It is noticed that Coronavirus infection is not dealt with as required in terms of the expressed knowledge, attitudes and the practice taken. This study aimed at finding out the level of knowledge and attitudes of Kurdish people in addition to their practices concerning Coronaviruses.

Methods: This study adopted an online cross-sectional survey design from March 23 to April 2, 2020 to collect data from Iraqi Kurdistan Region citizens who willingly took part in this survey and have been asked to identify knowledge, attitudes, and practices in terms of Corona virus.

Results: The majority of the study participants were young and male gender (62.5%). Majority of respondents (92.9%) were optimistic that the government could take necessary procedures to reduce the risks of Coronaviruses infection. Less than half of the participants wore mask and gloves when they leave home (41.4%, 45.1% respectively). Most of the participants had good knowledge (74%), good practice (64.6%), and vast majority had positive attitude (98.1%) concerning Coronaviruses.

Conclusion: Less than half of the participants who got engaged in this study wore masks and gloves whenever they go out. Hereby, the participants are to be provided with an extensive health education program so that they can increase their awareness of Coronaviruses infection.


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How to Cite

Ahmed, S. F. ., Al-Banna, D. A. ., Shakor, J. K. ., Nariman, S. K. ., & Taha, A. A. . (2022). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices related to COVID-19 among People in Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Cross-Sectional Survey. AMJ (Advanced Medical Journal), 7(2), 66–73.


